
Sustainable Forestry

Our operating activities are based on environmental values and concerns of local communities:

  • our Company conserves 24% of controlled forest plots for habitats of rare animals and plants
  • the Company additionally allocates a part of forest plots for the needs of local communities beyond the requirements of the legislation
  • we follow the practice of planting 3 seedlings to replace 1 harvested tree

Efficient Use of Wood

1/3 of a tree (the so-called pulpwod) is used for manufacturing paper. This type of wood is not suitable for creating consumer goods. If paper manufacturers do not buy the pulpwood left over from logging, it will not go to any other production facilities leading to increase of waste in the forest.

We also purchase wood chips for paper production, wood chips are the by-product of operating activities at sawmills. In turn, the waste produced during pulp production, including bark, is used at the power plant to generate power and heat for the Mill and the town

Integrated Approach to Forest Management

Logging represents only a small part of a larger production cycle that also includes forest restoration and servicing thickets and middle-aged forests.

Our Company uses a responsible forestry management approach in its operating activities: we preserve valuable forest areas, plant about 1 million new trees per year, servicing and growing the forest, give young and strong trees a chance to grow, prevent forest fires and maintain order on our leased forest plots and areas

Responsible Wood Suppliers

Only those suppliers that harvest timber in accordance with regulations of the Russian Federation and that meet all international standards usually become our colleagues.

The Company has developed a due diligence system that specifies our control of the wood origin.

We go to suppliers to make a visit and conduct audits to verify legality of harvesting, compliance with necessary requirements and regulations, including environmental ones, as well as to consult with local communities.

Restoration of Forests

We plant an average amount of 3 new seedlings of coniferous species to replace 1 harvested tree, that amounts to about 1 million seedlings per year.

To maintain corresponding quality while restoring the forests, everything possible shall be done to ensure that the planted seedling grows into a healthy young tree.

That is why we thoroughly take care of young trees throughout their growth cycle, carry out selective thinning to remove a part of weak trees that prevent other trees from growing. This kind of activities creates raw materials for PPM and the forest becomes a beautiful and well-attended place where it is pleasant to relax, pick up mushrooms and berries.

Forest Protection

We always express our gratefulness to the forest for the resources it provides us, we also take care of the forest by keeping it clean and tidy.

Our Company regularly cleans up garbage on the territory of its leased forest plots and eliminates illegal dumps formed near settlements. That is why our forests are clean and well-attended, they look like parks. It is a great pleasure to spend time there.

We regularly patrol the territory to keep the forest and its visitors safe from fires. Fire ponds and fire (mineral) breaks are also arranged there.

Preserving Biodiversity

Our Company carefully preserves the habitats of a dozen rare animal populations and over sixty unique plant species.

As a part of taking care of the birds, we arrange bird feeders, birdhouses and nesting boxes every year.

Within the territory of our leased forest plots and areas, you can see rare birds as great snipe and gray crane, as well as such rare plants as Cypripedium calceolus or Allium angulosum.

The Company regularly assesses the impact of its activities on other animals, plants, birds and mushrooms within our leased forest plots to ensure that their populations are not reduced or destroyed.

Forest Etalon

Sustainable forest management is confirmed by the voluntary certification called Forest Etalon

We have received the certificate of Forest Etalon system confirming that wood harvesting complies with forest legislation as well as additional environmental and social requirements are met.

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